AFSCME fights and wins COLA!
You've probaby heard already that OPD workers will be getting a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA). What you may not have heard is this:
- We are getting the COLA only because AFSCME Council 3stood strong and fought back.
- When Governor Hogan demanded a 5% cut, other unions accepted concessions, but AFSCME Council 3 refused.
- As a result of the union collective bargaining team’s negotiations with Hogan, the union won the COLA not only for those covered by collective bargaining but for all state employees, including OPD workers.
Our collective bargaining power is the biggest benefit of union membership. The Maryland Defenders’ Union is proud to be a part of AFSCME Council 3, and we're just getting started. Imagine what we will accomplish once we win a seat at the table!
Thank you to all our members! If you have not yet joined, show you are committing your fair share to the fight to create fair compensation, a real career ladder, and a reasonable caseload by filling out your application today.